Funeral Video

David Kwabena Ampofo

5 March 1944 – 28 June 2020 - Age: 76 Years



Now the labourer’s task is o’er
Now the battle-day is past
Now upon the farther shore
Lands the voyager at last
Father,in Thy gracious keeping
Leaves us now Thy servant sleeping

“I will lie down and sleep in peace,for you alone .O Lord,make me dwell in safety “(Psalm 4:8)
Daddy rest in perfect peace .
~Eunice Nani

— 22 July, 2020

Eunice Nani

@ Beatrice Armah. The Ampofo appreciate you. We are indeed grateful

— 21 July, 2020

Samuel Ampofo

Have my deepest condolences. Jesus wept at his friend Lazarus's death so it is okay to cry. He added that Lazarus is sleeping with an expectations to be resurrected. Our prayer is that Daddy Ampofo remains in Jehovah's memory for our assured resurrection

— 20 July, 2020

Beatrice Armah


— 17 July, 2020

Samuel Ampofo



2020-07-24 12:00pm-1:00pm