
In Memory of
13 December 1978 – 30 April 2020 - Age: 41 Years

Private Burial Service at Transitions on Friday 15th May 2020 at 11:30 am. File past is from 11;30 to 12pm , then burial service continues for the allocated 25 people. Family will then proceed to Achimota Cemetery for the final burial.

Thank you for being a beautiful soul... you were love in every aspect of it.
Happy with the Lord...

— 15 May, 2020

Nii Addico-faith temple

You were an amazing tutor and a fine brain , God keep you safe in his bossom♥️

— 15 May, 2020

Kofi Adofo Wadie

Dorothy and I have lost a special friend.

— 15 May, 2020

joseph intsiful

You were a mother to me, as Senyo and I would come home to see you and spend time with your girls, I can’t believe you’re gone. What even breaks my heart more Is that the girls are left behind without a sweet personality of a mother like you....but my heart is assured that this is just temporal and that surely you would return with the Lord as we gather unto Him...I love you very much and we would surely meet again ..,your girls are in safe hands, for the Lord would not leave them comfort less.

— 15 May, 2020

Kevin Cleland



Funeral Video